Snausage vs. Ice Cream Truck

Instead of a toddler, we now are the temporary parents of the Snausage Dog.  He is definetely a lot older now.  He’s a lot calmer. Less barking. He still takes issues with the cats, but less so. I think he realizes that they just mock him, and he will never be able to catch them. He’s more cynical in his old age.

The creaking ceilings withe upstairs neighbors are less menacing.  He does get into it every once in a while, but not so much anymore. Most of the time, he has no issues with the neighbors walking around in their own apartment.

However, the ice cream truck. That is a different story. And that ice cream truck with his fucking song comes round every half hour starting at probably like 4 pm all the way to 8/9 pm.  And each time, Snausage needs to tell him what is what.  I agree with him, but it’s still annoying.

About RidgewoodMom

Thirtysomething mom of a baby girl. First and only baby, possibly. First baby amongst my close friends. These are the trials, frustrations and lessons I have learned in raising a single child in New York.
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